How to delete your account

If you would like to delete your personal information or permanently delete your account, you can do so in three different ways:


  • Go to Settings
  • Click on Delete Account
  • Read the text:
    “You are about to delete your account.
    If you have an active subscription, it will not be cancelled when you delete your account. You may cancel your subscription from the App Store/Play Store.
    Your profile details along with all your fishing logs will be deleted. This includes any images that you might have posted.
    To proceed press “Delete”
    To cancel, navigate back to the previous screen”
  • Then click on “Delete Account”.


    Complete the Data Access Request Form which can be found in our Privacy Policy.

    You will need to complete the form and answer the following questions in order to submit your request:

    • What is your full name?
    • What is the email address you use to access the finScribe app?
    • Are you submitting the request on behalf of yourself or someone else?
    • What is the reason for your request:
      - Get a copy of my personal information
      - Edit or correct my personal information
      - Restrict the processing of my personal information
      - Delete all my personal information
    • I confirm the following:
      - Under penalty of perjury, I declare all the above information to be true and accurate.
      - I am the consumer of the above app and website or the agent authorized by the consumer to make this request on their behalf.
      - I understand the deletion or restriction of my personal information is irreversible and may result in termination of services with the above app and website.
      - I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy and I understand that I will be required to validate my request by email and I may be contacted in order to complete the request.


    Send an email to requesting your data/account deletion

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    finScribe Limited
    t: +44 (0)20 8720 7178