
At finScribe, we understand the importance of privacy when it comes to your fishing adventures.
Rest assured, your data is in safe hands with our FULL PRIVACY CONTROLS.

Default Setting is PRIVATE

Caspar Bowes, the founder of finScribe, always intended to create a PERSONAL fishing logbook. Your profile is automatically set to private when you sign up, and it will always be that way, unless you choose to make it public. We believe in giving you the choice to share what you want, when you want.

User Controls

You, the user, have the power to manage your own privacy levels. When you create a log, it automatically adopts the same privacy level as your profile. For example, when a  user who has set their profile as "Private" creates a log, all their logs are automatically private and not accessible or searchable by other users. Similarly, when a user who has selected to make their profile Public creates a log, their logs are by default Public. However, you can change the privacy for each individual log, regardless of the privacy setting of your profile. We understand that sometimes you want to share a catch, sometimes you don't. Your catches and locations are YOURS.

No Data Collection or Sharing

We have no interest in collecting or collating your data, and we will NEVER share any information with third parties. Your secret fishing spots are safe with us, we promise!

Still Unsure?

If you have any questions about our privacy settings, please get in touch. You can also read our Privacy Policy.

Copyright © 2025 finScribe Ltd  |  All Rights Reserved
finScribe Limited
t: +44 (0)20 8720 7178