Below you will find answers to the most common questions we are asked about finScribe, the new fishing logbook app.

We will continue to add to this list of questions as our app develops and is more widely used. If you cannot find your answer here, please contact us.

Yes, finScribe was released “cross platform” at launch and is therefore available for all smartphone users. We are developing both versions side by side so all features are available to all users. Download on Google Play or the App Store now. 

If you are having problems downloading the app on your phone, this might be due to your phone or the software version you are using.

The finScribe app stores and apps for iOS and Google are currently (September 2023) configured to support  Android 14 and iOS 17. These will change with time as we support the latest 3 Android and latest 2 iOS  versions.

Whilst we understand this might be frustrating, one of our primary reasons for only supporting the most recent versions is due to security. 

If you are still struggling to download the app, please contact us or email support@finscribe.co.uk

No, the default setting is PRIVATE. Caspar Bowes, the founder of finScribe, always intended to create a PERSONAL fishing logbook.

We offer all our users full control of their privacy settings, both at profile level and for each individual log.

We are not interested in collecting or collating your data and will never share any of your information with third parties.

Read more about the importance of privacy at finScribe on our Privacy page.

Yes, finScribe is available across the world and we have users across all five continents. Both the App Store & the Play Store can facilitate your purchase should you wish to upgrade to the our paid subscriptions, finScribe Premium and Premium+.

Copyright © 2025 finScribe Ltd  |  All Rights Reserved
finScribe Limited
t: +44 (0)20 8720 7178
e: suppport@finscribe.co.uk